Jenny's Weight Loss Progress

Maree's Weight Loss Progress

16 December 2010

On the 4th day of Christmas....

I bought myself a new dress. Not traditional and not planned but the best gifts are the ones you buy for yourself, right? It's a tunic (another one) - gorgeous indigo blue - here it is in purple (not on me but I am just as hot as this model, IMO -and also very modest!):
I'll wear it with some 3/4 leggings and heels, can be worn with or without the belt. Best of all I tried it on when I bought my dress in Auckland and decided I couldn't justify two (this designer is not cheap). Today I was walking past her Wellington shop and was magnetically drawn in to find a half price rack with this dress on it! It was meant to be. And in a NSV I had my size and the shop assistant asked me if I was sure I was that size because SHE THOUGHT I WAS SMALLER THAN THAT. Sorry for shouting but that is a first in a designer shop - yay me! Yay the band!

I have also decided not to have another fill before Christmas. I was hungry at first after my unfill and I'm still .1ml down from my pre-drama volume but I'm eating small amounts and I'm not hungry so don't want to risk another drama over the holidays.

The kids finished school today for 7 weeks!! Give me strength...


  1. Don't forget to post a picture of you in the dress - I am sure you will look better than that model!

  2. Wow! Gorgeous dress, can't wait to see a picture of you in it.
    I hear you on the kids school holidays, horrible!

  3. Good luck with the kids, and the dress looks great; can't wait to see the photo's :o)
